Good work design, or safety in design, considers hazards and risks as early as possible in the planning and design process. Good work design aims to eliminate or minimise the possibility of workplace injury or illness throughout the life of the product or process.

The overarching purpose of this approach is to create work environments that are not only safe and healthy, but also enhance productivity, ultimately benefitting employees, workplaces, and society.


Good Work Design – Safe Work Australia

A good place to start, this page provides insights into the importance of GWD, the areas you should consider, and the 10 principles supporting health and safety. It emphasises the significance of early planning in work design to eliminate hazards and risks, and encourages collaboration with workers and experts for effective implementation. Explore this page to understand your duties and enhance safety and productivity in your workplace.

Case study – Good work through effective design

A helpful case study on the Safe Work Australia website that provides insights from two workplaces in Queensland, showcasing how GWD principles were applied to enhance workplace safety and productivity. It demonstrates how these principles can be effectively implemented to engage decision-makers, involve the workforce, identify and control risks, and learn from experts and experience, ensuring the health and safety of workers while having a positive impact on workplace productivity and success.

SMART Work Design – Future of Work Institute, Curtin University

SMART Work Design identifies five essential themes: Stimulating, Mastery, Agency, Relational, and Tolerable Demands, ensuring positive outcomes across various jobs and industries. Dive deeper into this framework for a smarter, more efficient, and forward-looking workplace, developed by Australian Research Council Professor Sharon Parker. It also includes an assessment tool to discover how SMART your work design practices are and links to helpful resources and training.

Good Work Design – Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia 

Published by HFESA, specialists in work design. Find out how a three-phase, human-centric approach to designing work can result in work that people enjoy and can excel at.