Strengthening workplace wellbeing for the Health Care Sector | CEIH

CEIH have produced a dis­cus­sion paper on how SA can cre­ate a health sys­tem that pro­tects and pro­motes the well­be­ing of our health­care workforce. For health­care organ­i­sa­tions, their Build­ing Work­place Well­be­ing guide pro­vides step-by-step advice on estab­lish­ing the foun­da­tion­al struc­tures and process­es nec­es­sary to opti­mise work­force well­be­ing and team effectiveness.

3 simple tools to help your allied health practice build workplace wellbeing

This simplified guide provides easy actionable tools that you can follow to support your allied health practice strive to be a ‘healthy workplace’.

Pandemic Kindness Movement (

The Pandemic Kindness Movement was created by clinicians across Australia, working together to support all health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The clinicians have curated respected, evidence-informed resources and links to valuable services to support the wellbeing of the health workforce.