Now that you have leadership commitment, tracked what you already have in place by completing a needs assessment, and consulted with employees, it’s time to pull together an action plan.

When you look at all the work you’ve completed so far, the health and wellbeing priorities of your workplace should have been identified. Think about and discuss the most common or important issues that emerged from the needs assessment in Step 2: Learn about your workplace and by involving your team in Step 3: Involve your team. These might be broad topics or themes at this stage or there may be a particular health and wellbeing issue that’s emerged as a leading concern.

In this step, we’ll help develop an action plan to address your priority areas. It is an important step because an action plan will:

  • set out what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it give you specific actions and targets to help you structure your health and wellbeing activities
  • help you to remain focused on achieving outcomes and track your progress
  • make it easy for workers, key partners, champions and other ‘helpers’ to follow what’s going on and what’s expected. A written action plan can be used as a communication piece across the workplace
  • help you find a balance between what people would like and the realistic activities that the workplace is willing and able to support. How to create an effective action plan.

-> Next: How to create an effective action plan