Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of Step 4 and got your healthy workplace program up and running.

You can chart your progress in the table below and go back through the toolkit to complete any actions you might have missed.

Checklist Small business
(20 employees or less)
Medium to large business
Priorities have been determined through a needs assessment and your team has been involved (see Step 2: Learn about your workplace and Step 3: Involve your team)
An action plan is in place for your identified priorities
Actions in the plan include a mix of people activities, policy and practice changes, and environmental changes
Selected actions are resourced appropriately
Monitoring and evaluation has been considered (see Step 5: Monitor and evaluate).
Management has endorsed the action plan
Workplace champions are prepared for activities (if applicable)  
Activities have been communicated and promoted (see Step 3: Involve your team)

If you’ve checked all the boxes you need, it’s time to move on to Step 5: Monitor and evaluate.