Your workplace health and wellbeing strategy isn’t going to be successful unless it is centred around your people, and they are actively involved in the process.

It’s vital to communicate regularly and promote changes. People are more likely to be motivated if they are informed and involved.

Workplace owners and managers should consult and involve people at every level of their organisation so they can help plan and make decisions about their health, safety, and wellbeing. If you involve people in strategy planning and evaluation, then you will have a stronger strategy.

People can take part in many ways, including sharing their thoughts by completing surveys or participating in focus groups, participating in a committee, and developing health and wellbeing policies or procedures.

Workers can also lend their skills to a program (some people may be qualified and insured yoga instructors, allied health professionals, massage therapists or cooks), take part in activities and initiatives and encourage other people to do the same, and even seek incentives, resources, or equipment through their personal links to the local community.

'Workplace health is something we do with and for people… it’s not something we do to them’
David Hunnicutt, WELCOA, 2009

There are five main ways that you can work with employees to develop and maintain a successful a workplace health and wellbeing strategy:

  1. communicate and promote
  2. consult
  3. form a committee
  4. find wellbeing champions
  5. motivate people.

These ideas are useful at all stages of the workplace health and wellbeing journey and not just here in Step 3.

-> Next: Communicate and promote