Healthy Workplaces Service

This Healthy Workplaces Service provides free information, resources and support to help you create a healthy, safe and thriving workplace. Register your workplace online and one of our Healthy Workplaces Advisors will contact you.

Industry | SafeWork SA

Visit SafeWork SA for more information on your industry sector including: Agriculture, Automotive, Construction, Health & Community Care, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Mining & quarrying, Recreation and Events, Transport and Stevedoring and Retail.

Industry or Business Associations

This resource booklet has been developed for associations to offer some ideas on how your industry associations and peak bodies can take an active role in workplace health and wellbeing.

How to build an industry-led initiative

As this guide shows, industry-led initiatives across Australia can help raise awareness, support organisational change, and shape systemic factors such as funding and policy. Produced by the National Mental Health Commission.